Animal Name: Shoebill

Scientific Names: Balaeniceps rex

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Shoebill Introduction

The shoebill also known as the whale-headed storkor shoe-billed stork, is a very large long-legged wading bird. It derives its name from its enormous shoe-shaped title. It has a somewhat stork-like overall form and has previously been classified with the storks in the order . However, genetic evidence places it with pelicans and herons in the "Pelecani. The adult is mainly grey while the juveniles are more brown. It lives in tropical "East Africa"  in large swamps from "South Sudan" .

Description of Shoebill

The shoebill is a tall bird, with a typical height range of 110 to 140 cm (43 to 55 in) and some specimens reaching as much as 152 cm (60 in). Length from tail to beak can range from 100 to 140 cm (39 to 55 in) and wingspan is 230 to 260 cm (7 ft 7 in to 8 ft 6 in). Weight has reportedly ranged from 4 to 7 kg (8.8 to 15.4 lb). A male will weigh on average around 5.6 kg (12 lb) and is larger than a typical female of 4.9 kg (11 lb). The signature feature of the species is its huge, bulbous "Beak" which is straw-colored with erratic greyish markings. The Culmen (birdexposed culmen (or the measurement along the top of the upper mandible) is 18.8 to 24 cm (7.4 to 9.4 in), the third longest bill among extant birds after pelicans and large storks, and can outrival the pelicans in bill circumference, especially if the bill is considered as the hard, bony keratin portion. As in the pelicans, the upper mandible is strongly keeled, ending in a sharp nail. The dark coloured legs are fairly long, with  length of 21.7 to 25.5 cm (8.5 to 10.0 in). The shoebill's feet are exceptionally large, with the middle toe reaching 16.8 to 18.5 cm (6.6 to 7.3 in) in length, likely assisting the species in its ability to stand on aquatic vegetation while hunting. The neck is relatively shorter and thicker than other long-legged wading birds such as herons .
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